Unknown facts about science and physics

01 The theory of relativity was propounded by Albert Einstein

02 The principal metal used in manufacturing steel is Iron

03 An altimeter is used for measuring Altitude

04 Oology is the study of Birds eggs

05 Radioactivity was discovered by Henry Bacquerel

06 The metal used in storage batteries is Lead

07 The instrument used to measure the relative humidity of air is

08 Barometer was invented by Torricelli

09 The unit of power is Watt

10 Radium was discovered by Marie and Pierrie Curie

11 The existence of isotopes was discovered by Frederick Soddy

12 Dynamo was invented by Michael Faraday

13 The nuclear reactor was invented by Enrico Ferni

14 The law of gravitation was propounded by Sir Isaac Newton

15 Crescograph was invented by J.C.Bose

16 Crescograph is used to measure the Rate of growth of a plant

17 Galileo's first scientific discovery was Pendulum

18 Microscope was invented by Aaton Van Leewen Hock

19 The scientist who is known as father of modern biology is Aristotle

20 The first person to see a cell under microscope was Robert Hooke

21 The smallest flowering plant is Worffia

22 The four blood groups were discovered by Karl Landsteiner

23 Sodium was discovered by Sir Humphry Davy

24 The atomic number of oxygen is Eight

25 The basic building blocks of proteins are Amino acids

26 The botanical name of the cotton plant is Gossipium Hirsutum

27 An Electroscope is used to Detect charges on a body

28 The unit of loudness is Phon

29 An ammeter is used to measure Electric current

30 Plant that eat insects are called Insectivorous plants

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