Information on Solar System.

1. The brightest planet as seen from Earth------Venus

2. The planet also known as Earth's twin------Venus

3. The planet, which rotates in a direction opposite to that of

4. The planet, which has prominent rings around it------ Saturn

5. Planets which have no satellites----- -Mercury & Venus

6. The planet with the longestday------Venus (244 hrs)

7. The planet with the shortestday------Jupiter (9 hrs 55 mts)

8. The planet also known as Evening/Morning star------Venus

9. The Jovian planets------Ju piter,Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

10. The star nearest to the earth------Proxima Centauri

11. The hottest planet in the solarsystem------Venus

12. The largest satellite in the solarsystem------Ganymede – Satellite
ofthe Jupiter

13. The planet also known as the RedPlanet------Mars

14. The highest known mountain inthe solar system------Olympus Monson

15. The asteroid belt liesbetween------Mars and Jupiter

16. The largest asteroid also known as a dwarf planet----- Ceres

17. Pluto earlier considered a planet is now considered a dwarf planet
anda part of------Kuiper belt

18. Halley's comet last appeared in 1986 and is expected to appear next

19. The galaxy nearest to the milky way------Andromeda

20. The planet whose density is lessthan that of water----Saturn
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